Monday, January 2, 2012


Tomorrow feels like the first day of school all over again. This isn't just because I've had the last 10 days off. it's mainly because I'm getting 10 new students. Anxiety will keep me up half the night.

As I sit here thinking about tomorrow, I just want to take a minute and remember all of the things I'm grateful for, including the students currently causing my mild anxiety.

This article in Elephant Journal really got me thinking about some things in a whole new light. (

I'm first and foremost thankful that my creator has control over some things which I do not. I'm thankful for each and every event in my life because they have all added up to make the me I am today. Far from perfect, but there are worse places I could be than where I find myself today.

I'm thankful I have to work because I've found work that really fulfills me (most of the time).

I'm thankful I can't always have my way. My way isn't the best way.

I'm thankful that typing in the dark on this tiny device has made me tired enough where I think I can actually fall asleep soon

Next post will be My theme for the year--- what should it be?

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