Saturday, July 24, 2010

too much experience?

Web Definitions: experience
  • to go or live through
  • to know or have first hand knowledge of
  • the accumulation of knowledge or skill
  • to feel or undergo an emotional sensation
  • In context: In the end, I can say, "I had the experience."

I went where I vowed I wouldn't. I survived.
I knew, first hand, yet didn't learn the first time.
I knew it was wrong, mounting deceit.
I felt it. It was sensational.
"I knew the experience had to end."

1 comment:

  1. Experience: Ref:

    encounter, know, endure, suffer. Experience, undergo refer to encountering situations, conditions, etc., in life, or to having certain sensations or feelings. Experience implies being affected by what one meets with: to experience a change of heart, bitter disappointment. Undergo usually refers to the bearing or enduring of something hard, difficult, disagreeable, or dangerous: to undergo severe hardships, an operation.

    I do not believe one can have * too much * experience, its just the way we use it and infact perhaps store it.

    How much do we lighten the load by unburdening ourselves with self guilt, anger and frustration of a moment failed or wronged be it by our own actions OR anthers. Either way its useless baggage that serves no purpose but to slow us down for the journey ahead.

    Angelus x
