Friday, July 23, 2010

Melting Away

Summer days like icicles
melting slowly drip by drip
like a ticking clock
watching time. Fall.

Icicles hanging on homes
unnoticed by those inside.
Carried and contained
as two water bearers. Fall.

The hotter the sun,
the faster they melt.
Dropping as I watch
the trees' leaves. Fall.

Summer lovers
add heat,
increasing tempo-
heartbeats. Fall.

Raindrops add to puddles
Thunder and lightning
they created. Even
shooting stars. Fall.

Water, melted,
evaporated, returns to its source.
Streaming to the ocean,
salty, as tears. Fall.

1 comment:

  1. I like this, Alot, however you forget one single thing, Icicles are meant to melt, for how ever would the dreams trapped inside be able to melt to the ground and then grow and blossom into what we wished asked dreamed, the circle of life * Growth *

    Angelus x
